Freitag, 30. Juli 2010


so yeah, i guess you didn't notice my hiatus (just announced it on LJ lool), but i'm back! now that i have holidays, there'll be way more time for me to blog & stuff :DD

so my testimony was kinda good, better than in the last yrs, but i have to send my applications this year and i'm kinda nervous because there are a lot of ppl out there who are way better than me... but i won't give up and try! òó

so tonight there's a school's out party @ BLU where i'm going with chris, vemund and momo (and maybe huss) 8D i'm so happy, i'll b like so wasted tomorrow LOOL
but i rlly need that, becuz this year was like... hell. i just hated everything and wasn't rlly good, even if i should have been better <_____<" so i'll forget everything tonight and be optimistic from tomorrow on :D

i noticed that i didn't wear lolita at all, so i think about forcing myself to do a picture-meme 8D with lolita-themes 8D


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